New Office Opens to Accommodate our Growing Team!

Last week, Good Earth Nepal initiated our brand new office space in Kathmandu with a meeting between members of the growing team. The Good Earth Nepal team has been rapidly expanding as volunteers and experts from around the world arrive to offer their skills so it was time we found a space to convene.At the first meeting were members of the dedicated core team, including Kateryna (Co-Founder), Nish (Project Manager), Roshan (Executive Director), Andy (Creative Director), as well as one technical supervisor, two professional engineers, three engineers in training, one architect, and five new volunteers. Amongst topics discussed were government proposals, on site supervision of the Sankhu project, and the progress the volunteers are making in Agara. The team is very excited about its indispensable and dedicated new members.

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The office is just a five minute walk from Thamel, located in Lainchour, in the heart  of Kathmandu. It’s a functional space with several rooms and a kitchen, and plenty of space to work and sleep(when not working). As the volume of projects continues to expand and volunteers and experts continue to appear, this new office will serve as a crucial space to convene, progress, and work together.